I have not written much about my time on the North Island in New Zealand, apart from the Koutu boulders, even though I spent 10 weeks there. Three weeks were spent in Auckland, making it the longest time I spent in a single place after Christchurch, and it was really difficult to miss the Southern Hemisphere’s tallest structure (for now).

The 328-metre Sky Tower is one of Auckland’s most popular attractions, and like the Eiffel Tower, the Space Needle, Cristo Rendentor and other iconic structures around the world, it makes a great reference point to take one’s bearings from. I couldn’t help but look for it whenever I got a great view of the city, and I took too many photos from different spots on the map.

Like the other places mentioned above, one can take a trip to an observation deck near the top. There is an uninterrupted view of the city and the islands of the Hauraki Gulf to be had, and on a clear day one can see as far as the Coromandel Peninsula. 

Personally, I’m not a fan of that and I think it’s a great way to part fools from their money, regardless of the location. It’s the only place you cannot see the very thing that makes the city recognisable. I’d rather go up the next highest building for less, get a view that is almost as good and still be able to spot the landmark.

If one still wants to make the trip though, discount coupons for tickets can be found in several of the guides that can be picked up at the airport on arrival or from the tourism office. Spendthrifts who feel like wearing an orange jumpsuit can go for a walk around the outside or do a base jump.

I may have spent absolutely nothing inside SKYCITY, but it’s still a pretty addition to the city, especially in the evenings. Did I mention that I took too many photos of it from the ground? Auckland’s topography makes it look even more dramatic as the buildings seem to fall away under it.

I saw the Sky Tower for the first time from Myer Park

Sky Tower

The same spot on Victoria St at different times of the day

Sky Tower

At sunset

Sky Tower

At the blue hour

Sky Tower

At night in breast cancer awareness colours

The tower in Christmas colours

Sky Tower Mandela

The view from Ponsonby

Sky Tower

The view from Viaduct Harbour

Sky Tower

The view from Mount Eden

Mount Eden

The view with Rangitoto on the right

Mount Eden

And across the strait from North Shore

Sky Tower

Do you prefer the view from the inside of a landmark, or would you rather see it from the outside?