Brewnanza 2024: What I Was Most Excited About This Year
For craft beer afficionados in Singapore, Brewnanza 2023 was one of the best craft beer festivals locally in recent memory. Brewnanza 2024 turned out to be even better, and this what I experienced at the festival.
Brewnanza 2024 took place indoors
This year, the festival took place inside the Marina Bay Sands, and not outside like last year. Sure, we had a killer view, but it can get unbearably hot in the day–and who wants beer diluted with rainwater or sweat? Hall E of the Sands Expo & Convention Center provided a much more comfortable experience where you could keep your shoes and clothes dry. In fact, it meant that the doors opened earlier over the weekend, from 2 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 12 noon on the Sunday. More time to explore all the available beers!

The only downside was that sound reverberated around the hall and it was hard to hear yourself think, let alone speak, when there was live music on the first day. With a bit of tweaking, that was sorted out for the rest of the weekend. It was also impossible to tell how quickly time passed in there!
New Breweries for 2024
This year there are several breweries that are new to the lineup and have not been seen in Singapore, including:
- Uchu Brewing (Japan) are really hard to get hold of even in their own country, and they launched a beer at the event
- Taihu Brewing (Taiwan) was one I am really looking forward to after drinking at their Taipei taproom
- Frontaal (Netherlands)
- Lambiek Fabriek (Belgium)
Returning Breweries at Brewnanza
Among the breweries making a return, Trillium from Massachusetts, USA stoods out because this time, it was on tap! Local breweries were well-represented in the form of Brewlander (the organisers), Alive, Brewerkz, Outtamost, Rainforest, Ren Min, and Sunbird.
Other Food & Drinks
There were also cocktails from Draftland (Taiwan) and Nutmeg & Clove (Singapore) in case you wanted to mix things up, and food in the form of burgers from Honbo, rosti from Coucou, roast meats, tacos from Papi’s and more.
Check my Instagram stories @ramblingfeet to see what Brewnanza 2024 the largest celebration of craft beer in Singapore looked like!
Event Details
Brewnanza 2024 took place from 22 to 25 August 2024 at the Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Center Hall E. As with 2023, your favourite Singapore craft beer bars had discount codes to use if you buy tickets online.