Here is one more backdated World Colours post. January’s theme colour was white. Couldn’t have picked a better colour to celebrate snow and a fresh start, I say.

The Californian gold mining town of Julian, which is also famous for its apple pies

Helsingin Tuomiokirkko, the most famous landmark in Finland’s capital

Beluga in Vancouver Aquarium

Sheep and lambs in Inveraray, Scotland

Wild mushrooms in Singapore. Here today, gone tomorrow.

A swan in Lake Mikołajki, Poland

White Persian buttercups, Carlsbad, California

Blossoming tree at San Diego State University

Ah boling in pandan broth from my favourite stall in Chinatown. Sadly the stall owner has passed away. May he rest in peace.
So what is this World Colours project about? I’ll just copy-pasta what I wrote previously: It’s a little thing that was started by Naomi at Box 53b, a friend I’ve got to know through Twitter, and Anne at Part Time Traveller. The idea, to paraphrase Anne, is to share our favourite photos according to the theme colour of the month. Anyone is welcome to join in at any point, and even make backdated posts. Just add the hashtag #worldcolors on Instagram, Pinterest or your blog.
There is also a Twitter account which tracks and retweets posts by various participants, and you can follow it at @WC_Project.
08/06/2013 @ 2:38 PM
I really like the white … the lambs, the guards in Taipei … those buttercups!!!
10/09/2013 @ 6:27 PM
Thanks, Naomi! I was quite lucky to see those lambs.